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VIDEO [ASL/CC] - Orangutan uses sign language to ask for help from Deaf girl.

The video goes viral by the Rainforest Action Network (RAN), and is intended to raise awareness of how the palm oil industry is destroying orangutans' natural habitats and driving the species to extinction.

The video shows a 12-year-old Deaf girl named Lena chitchatting with an orangutan named Strawberry via Skype. One thing leads to another, and Strawberry learns that Lena likes to eat peanut butter.

“Your food is destroying my home,” the orangutan tells the girl at this point.

Apparently, most of the palm oil used to make snacks and treats marketed in the US comes from plantations that used to be rainforests, but that have been converted into agricultural lands in order to support this industry.

“While some companies are beginning to take steps to address their oil palms problem, none have yet adopted and fully implemented adequate safeguards to eliminate conflict palm oil from entering their supply chains and contaminating their products,” RAN explains on the official website for this campaign. ... Read more:

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