Movie review score
VIDEO: Signed - Deaf Awareness 'Voiceless' Short Film.
Communication Access Service - 1 in every 1,000 newborns are Deaf. 10% of those children's families are DEAF as well.
Out of the remaining 90%, only 1/4 of them ever learn to sign. The remaining 3/4? They go throughout their life without ever being able to communicate with their kids. This is the story of a girl whose family is part of that 3/4.
Familiar Stories of the Mainstream Schools:
Alone in a Hearing World' shows true to life scenarios of a young Deaf boy growing up in a hearing world. With family members who can't communicate and continuous misunderstandings by his teachers and coaches, he is forced to live in a world of isolation. However, when he pleas for his Mothers understanding and falls short, he ends up in the only place he seems to find acceptance, as seen on YouTube: Alone In A Hearing World
'Alone In The Mainstream' (best seller book for the teachers) - A Deaf women remembers public schools - Gina A. Oliva in which a book is a part of education for hearing parents to understanding with Deaf children in the mainstream schools, as seen on YouTube: Alone In The Mainstream
Check this out DrDonGCSUS's ASL vlog with captions: Mainstreaming Is Failing Deaf Students