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VIDEO: About National Association of the Deaf and Dennis Daugaard in American Sign Language.

The purpose of this vlog is to explain everything regarding Deaf people's response on National Association of the Deaf (NAD) for making a bad pick by inviting the Governor of South Dakota. This vlog also will include the transcript so that hearing people & Deaf people who does not know ASL will be able to understand why many Deaf people are protesting about the bad pick which NAD, so far, hadn't addressed this issue.

Here is the transcript of the 25-minute long vlog: The National Association of the Deaf was founded in 1880 in response to the Milan Conference of 1880. Why? The International Congress on Education of the Deaf was held in Italy. All delegates except for one at ICED were hearing. They voted to support the oral education and banned the use of sign language for Deaf children at any deaf schools. The result is that many Deaf teachers lost their jobs at many Deaf schools across this country as it also messed up Deaf Education. This was the Dark Ages for Deaf people. NAD was established to protect the Deaf people's voice, civil rights & American Sign Language. Wonder why the NAD is not strong like the National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)? NAACP was able to have the access to media and make a difference in many people's lives, why can't the NAD have that as well? That part is a long story that will explain why NAD is like that but first, I want to focus on history of NAD.

16 years after NAD was established (1896), there was first woman to serve on NAD Board. Is it awesome? Does it means that NAD is progressive than the rest of the United States since women were allowed to vote in 1920? No, it is not true. That position has no-voting power. Their duties are focused only on social issues, events, morals, childbearing, child care - these are women's duties. They cannot get involved on Education, Civli Rights & Law with the rest of male-dominated NAD Board. When the 19th Amendment was ratified into the United States Constitution in 1920 to grant all women the right to vote, NAD still did not permit its Deaf women to vote until 1964!

44 YEARS!! Why? Maybe the NAD resisted this change because they were wary of hearing people due to the devastating effects of Milan Conference. Then a year later in 1965, African-Americans (both men & women) were allowed to join the membership of NAD. As for GLBT individuals, NAD finally included them not a long time ago roughly about 10-15 years ago. Really, NAD was aware that there were many Deaf GLBT individuals but they chose not to recognize the GLBT individuals for decades. Now the GLBT people will have its first-ever Luncheon at 2012 NAD Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. NAD hosts biennial national conferences held in different cities across the country. For many years, the NAD Board as well as its Region I, II, III, IV Board tend to be populated by Deaf people with college degrees. For many years, NAD's growth was hindered due to low contributions, most likely because many Deaf people lost their jobs after the infamous Milan Conference of 1880. They slowly raised the funds for decades and finally has a permanent home in Silver Spring, Maryland. They also established the Youth Leadership Camp as well. They added little by little to strengthen the organization. As of now, NAD will have its conference in Louisville. This conference's theme is ...

Every two years, NAD tends to select a theme that will reflect on its conference. This year, in Louisville has this theme, "Nothing About Us, Without Us". This conference is expected to be the largest one in history because NAD is partnering with Kentucky Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (KCDHH)'s famous & popular event called DeaFestival. That DeaFestival is extremely popular with Deaf people who does not have college background, averaging several thousands of spectators from many states. This is an opportunity for everyone to capitalize on touching important issues at the conference.

NOTE: If you want to read the complete transcript, contact me via inbox. I'll send you the rest as YouTube does not permit me to give you a complete transcript of my vlog: ridor9th

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To learn more about the NAD, its mission and objectives, visit To learn more about our 51st Biennial Conference on July 3 - 7, 2012 in Louisville, Kentucky, visit

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