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VIDEO [CC] - Deaf Can Coffee: Deaf teenagers uses sign language in Jamaica Company television commercials.

KINGSTON -- The Caribbean Christian Centre for the Deaf went into the coffee business. The students from the "Deaf Can Coffee Company" make your favourite flavors of coffee for every occasion and moment.

A video capturing the purpose and vision of Deaf Can Coffee, a not-for-profit coffee shop seeking to engage, equip and empower Deaf youth. We will accomplish this through a sustainable coffee venture known for a memorable experience, great product and talented staff.

What began as a small idea of packaging and selling coffee for a rural, Deaf coffee farmer grew as word spread and people wanted more. However, one farmer could not meet the demand and so we considered options to increase the supply of roasted coffee. From there we began roasting coffee at the Kingston campus of Caribbean Christian Centre for the Deaf in an effort to train and expose teen students to the art of coffee roasting.

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The challenges of sourcing dry beans and getting licensed in Jamaica as a coffee brand soon became a barrier that we thought might stop the initiative completely. The vision, however, simply shifted from being all about roasting coffee to a focus on brewing the coffee as well and creating a completely new experience for the marketplace. Visit us for more details,

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Related: Deaf Can Coffee - The Jamaica Coffee Shop

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